There is no getting around 3D planning in architecture and mechanics, that has long been established. Nevertheless, we are mostly satisfied with a two-dimensional visualisation on our screens and, of course, on the printouts. For a better insight, we create three-dimensional views, render the models again and again, check the design from all sides and perspectives in 3D images or, as an ELITECAD user, even via the directly integrated VR mode in real time. But we don't really work in a 3D mode continuously. Why not?
Until recently, the output devices in combination with active or passive 3D glasses were simply not well-suited for longer work. Often the resolution left a lot to be desired, the frame rate and/or refresh rate were too low, the glasses were uncomfortable to wear, etc. In short, the 3D sensation was rather flickering, blurry and tiring. So, not really sensational.