Definition of attribute colours Attributes are pieces of information that are automatically created in the BIM model during digital modelling or optionally assigned to objects or components in a 3D CAD model. These represent different aspects of a building or structure, such as materials, functions, states or properties. Colours can be assigned to each possible value of these attributes. Logically, green colours might indicate a low U-value, while red colours might indicate structural problems. Visualisation of information By assigning specific colours to specific attribute values, users can grasp important information at a glance. In one view, for a given attribute, all components are shown with their corresponding attribute colour. Attribute colours thus provide a visual way to easily display information in the 3D CAD model. |
Communication and collaborationThe use of attribute colours enables improved communication and collaboration between project participants. When all team members understand the same colour coding, information can be communicated quickly and consistently. This makes it easier to identify issues, coordinate changes and make decisions during the planning process. Efficient data analysis Attribute colours also allow efficient data analysis in 3D CAD building modelling. By visualising information in colour, complex data sets can be interpreted more easily. Using filters and colour assignments, certain aspects of the model can be highlighted and analysed, leading to better decision-making and optimisation of the planning process. |
Areas of application and examplesThe application of attribute colours in 3D planning is manifold. One possible application is to represent states or functions of components, such as labelling components with fire protection requirements with the attribute fire protection class and mapping it in a fire protection plan. Graphical control Equally practical is the highlighting of CO2 emissions of building components and, thanks to colour representation, checking which CO2 footprint is generated by which materials. Alternatively, attribute colours can also be used for graphical control, i.e. to determine whether a component has a certain attribute at all (e.g. door number) or whether an attribute corresponds to a certain nomenclature. |
Digitisation of the planning processes Sustainable planning means working through details at an early stage, but also in depth, in order to be able to better manage the coordination processes with the technical participants on the construction sites and thus save resources and map the entire workflow. Especially with the omnipresent topic of CO2 savings, it is clear how important the software is as an essential tool in sustainable planning in order to be able to optimise and efficiently guide construction time and material use and thus achieve certain targets. With ELITECAD Architecture and its attribute colour mapping features, architects and designers can take their projects to a new level of accuracy and creativity for precise and efficient building modelling and enable a holistic overview of all elements of the building thanks to visual representation of information to ensure a coordinated project workflow. |